Thursday, 24 May 2012

Maintaining a Wellhead and the Wellhead Components

Setting up a contract with a wellhead maintenance firm can really help reduce your costs, increase productivity and increase safety levels. A thorough program of maintenance will help prolong the life of your wellhead or the wellhead components substantially. This can result in major savings for your business. 

Replacing wellhead components due to wear and tear is expensive, and it can often be massively delayed by a system of proper care and attention provided by a good maintenance contract. Taking out such a contract will help save money but it will also bring peace of mind that everything is working as it should be, and that there are no disasters waiting to happen with a component that is imminently about to fail or become dangerous in some way. Your contract will most likely include analysis during an inspection of the wellhead, conducted by highly skilled experts in the field. 

Specific tests will be run to test the integrity and functionality of all the wellhead components to check if they are functioning to capacity. The results of these tests will be analysed and the relevant action taken. This could be a repair of a particular wellhead component, or a recommendation for replacement if a component is thought to be beyond repair or potentially dangerous. Other routine maintenance is also likely to be carried out by your contractors such as lubricating the wellhead components as a matter of course.

Your contractors will conduct this process of testing and repair on a regular basis. This should go a long way towards reducing the need for repairs and should help reduce downtime for the well as a whole due to incidents with the wellhead. Every effort will be made by your contractors to maintain your components with preventative maintenance techniques to minimise the impact of the job on the wellhead componentry so as to prolong their life and keep them working safely for much longer.

When repairs are deemed necessary, your contractors will be qualified to fix the problems with the components, on site if possible, but if not they will take the components to their own facilities for a more detailed inspection and thorough repair. All components will then be thoroughly tested and checked before they are returned to the wellhead.

Money can be saved by using refurbished wellhead components, and your contractors may well recommend this option to you. Components can often outlive the need for them at the well and so they can be refurbished and reused on another wellhead. Your contractors are likely to have a collection of spare parts salvaged from broken components that they may be able to use to repair your components at a fraction of the cost of buying the parts form new, or of buying a whole new wellhead component.

 A wellhead maintenance contract is a wise investment as it brings you both peace of mind regarding the safety of your well, and it will save you money in the long term too.

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